Tuesday, June 24, 2008

More mining "truth" - if you call it that.

Well, I'm on vacation and the hdw-mobile blog has not been updated - so rather than write something new - I'm just plagiarizing quoting with extreme prejudice Troutunderground and Buster wants to fish, cause they both say it, better than I would anyway.

from the Troutunderground:

The Pebble Partnership’s hoping to reassure us sporting types that no way their giant open-pit mine - and all the toxic tailings associated with it - are going to harm wildlife in the area because, you know, they say so right in the ad.

Wow. If only they’d been this clear earlier, I’m sure the salmon themselves would have welcomed them with open arms.

My favorite line? “Pebble is just an exploratory project today. But already we’re setting new standards for environmental care.”

I’d like to point out that setting “new standards for environmental care” isn’t particularly difficult, given that prior open-pit mines have absolutely devastated the surrounding environment.

It’s a little like saying “Stalin set new standards in the creation of unpopulated territory” or “Donald Trump set new standards in hair styling.”

Meanwhile, the Sportsmen’s Alliance for Alaska continues its eBay fundraising auctions, so stop by and make a bid.

Until then, see you on the river, Tom Chandler.

From Buster wants to fish:

wherein we come to view the enemy’s face

The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: the growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy.
–from the Chomsky/Herman theory of propaganda

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