Monday, April 7, 2008

7 days to the Vote: Your Daily Countdown # 7

For the next seven days HDW-MOBILE will be doing a reason a day to vote to maintain quality trout fishing regulations on the Prairie at the Spring Wisconsin Conservation Congress hearings.


The quality regulation section of Prairie River is 5 miles long out of the 42 miles of trout water on the Prairie River.

Anglers have liberal harvest opportunities & no gear restrictions on nearly 90 percent of the river. Plus the overwhelming majority of local trout fisheries throughout Lincoln County and North Central Wisconsin are currently open to the most liberal angler harvest allowable. We are fortunate to live in a state that has a wide variety of trout waters. Having several categories of regulations allows for better use of that variety. There are plenty of trout streams to fish and room for all. Let's appreciate the choice options and share them equitably.


Informational Links on this Issue (Article Page 3)

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