Sunday, December 23, 2007

All 2007 TR - My March opener

MArch 5 & 6.

I am about 169% sure this post completes the 2007 Trout report, ending, blog style, with the first trip in March.


I worked Saturday so technically missed the opener.

That said I got in a full stream day yesterday, Sunday, and 2/3 of the day today before cold and wind and just plain old exhaustion got the better of me.

Car thermo said 9 degrees after getting geared up Sun morning.

169% bad ass fly fisherman or frozen nut job, you be the judge.

Some scenery - there was some open water...

Did not fish with this fly.
Only put it on to amuse the perpetrators and sustainers of the joke fly tradition.

I got a few like this :

and a few more like this:

and was I glad I could be out with the long rod on some proper, if frozen, streams.


Anonymous said...

"bad ass fly fisherman or frozen nut job, you be the judge."-hdw

Tough call.

But great pics. great post. great day.

Why are you not posting these on the correct date?

Anonymous said...

"why are you not posting these on the correct date?"

I have no idea what you are talking about.