Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Reason #5 - 5 days to the vote

Through the VOTE on April 14 HDW-MOBILE will be doing a reason a day to vote to maintain quality trout fishing regulations on the Prairie at the Spring Wisconsin Conservation Congress hearings.


• Don’t buy into the argument that this water is for elitist fly fishers. There are no fly-fishing only regulations that apply to any trout waters in the state.

All it takes to fish special regulation water is spinning gear. This particular regulation is about increasing the size of the fish available for harvest, it is not about catch and release and it is not about creating fly fishing only preserves. This is just a lie told to characterize these five miles of quality regulations. The artificial lures restriction does not prevent kids from fishing. The artificial lures restriction does not prevent old people from fishing. The artificial lures restriction does not prevent anyone fishing.

Informational Links on this Issue (Article Page 3)

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