Sunday, May 11, 2008

Abalone Weekend

It was along way to come for a minus 1.5 tide.

This is why I came for the minus 1.5 tide. These are two abalone snug in their warm crevice aboout 2 meters down.

My first ab of the weekend.

Celebratory beers on the beach with the morning's haul.

The rules work like this. Three a day and three in possession. So that means you can keep getting them, provided you keep eating them.

On the beach, minutes from the water, ab sashimi with wasabl and soy sauce.

Gratuitous ab porn.

That night - the feast was breaded and deep fried abalone steaks "lou's north beach" style.

Next day the leftover steaks from night before went in BALTs; Bacon, Abalone, Lettuce and tomato on toasted sourdough with mayo. Bull pine and sea ranch pacific view optional.

Abalone ceviche: lime juice, garlic, green salsa, cilatro, salt, pepper, coriander, tobasco.

Grilled ab rolls stuffed with jalapeno and cheddar cheese. and kobe steaks.

More gratuitous ab porn.

en route to Hanoi tonight.

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